Science and Faith has become a growingly important topic. People who search on this topic include:

  1. Scientists and science-friendly persons who are not seriously committed to any faith, but are interested/searching for some potential answers to spiritual questions.
  2. People raised in an Evangelical Christian environment, including young people, who are freshly confronted with scientific information, and are looking whether there really is a way to reconcile science and faith.
  3. Catholics and Mainline Protestants who may seek more information on whether mainstream science is really compatible with Christian faith and vice versa.
  4. Parents of children/young people who are concerned with how to work through science and faith issues with their children.
  5. Some information seekers will be students who are looking for information to use in class papers.
  6. Seekers of information for various other reasons.

Truth and Bias
This desire of this site is to help ‘searchers’ find information in as helpful way as possible. That means that we will try to provide helpful information that is reasonably unbiased and/or provide some alternative views on some subjects.  We want to help in the search for truth. Since people are in different paths, not all of the information will be useful or necessary for each. We will try to allow people to relatively quickly follow the path through this website that is most useful to them.

We will display a broad array of information, but we can’t begin to show everything. We do believe that there are relatively new ways of approaching faith and science that everybody should know about. We will share them as well as an overview of some traditional options. Some people will vigorously reject various options that are shown, which is their right. However, we would like those that disagree to consider whether their intent is to try to push others away from Christianity or to engage with them with an open mind, hoping others will do the same.

There is no shortage of information via the Internet. It is difficult to provide information that everyone agrees is unbiased. Lots of people feel that almost anything outside of their circle of beliefs is biased. (See links about biased, echo chamber effects, and confirmation bias). Searchers can find views on the Internet that will back almost any possible view. For the Internet, perhaps the biggest site that makes the most efforts towards being non-biased is Wikipedia, the world’s largest encyclopedia. Wikipedia is designed in such a way that non-factual or biased information tends to be edited out in the process of other users reacting, correcting, contributing and documenting sources. See this on how Wikipedia works: And see this link for a study made on bias in Wikipedia:

For some of our material, we provide links or information from highly respected ‘sides’ of an issue, so that readers can hear from their point of view. In addition, we will sometimes do excerpts or footnotes are taken from sites or sources that have material that is creditable to highly skeptical individuals.

Where our search for truth has taken us:

  • We all should be seekers of truth. 
  • We should not make people who have different views of creation (as shown on this website), feel un-welcome in churches, fellowships, and small groups. We can learn from each other.
  • We believe that God is the author of both the natural world and interaction with humans, in the form of original scriptures, which God conveyed in inspiration to the writers.
  • We believe that true science is the study of the natural world that God created. As such, it should be embraced as showing more vividly God’s incredible power and creativity. Science can inspire one with the beauty and magnificence of his creation.
  • We believe in the essentials of the Christian faith. Perhaps the most commonly accepted list of those essentials is the Nicene Creed.
  • We believe that Christians can differ in the interpretations of the Bible, but it is dangerous to insist that their interpretation, outside of those essentials mentioned above, is the only valid one. The important thing is that we believe in the essentials of the faith, not look for ways to reject others.
  • We believe that true Christianity is only possible through a personal faith experience with God, which involves personally recognizing our sinfulness, pride, self-centeredness, and trying to be God in our own lives. We also believe that there are some ‘Christians’ who, like the religious people Jesus so regularly disagreed with, are involved in a culture that takes on an outer appearance or Churchianity, and/or rules - without truly accepting their own moral failures, pride, self-centeredness, etc. All of us are fallible human beings and in the need of true Christianity.
  • We understand that some in the scientific world feel and voice strong hostility towards Christianity. Such opinions are not part of true science and often misrepresent true Christianity. Just as in the Christian world where some Christians do not represent true Christianity, scientists can have views that are not a part of true science. Some might have naturalism, materialism, or scientism as a worldview, but even they would not claim that those views are part of ‘science.’ They can conflate true Christianity with Christians who are hostile to science, such as the Catholic church’s hostility to Galileo’s view that the Universe did not rotate around the earth. We reject the non-scientific belief systems, especially those that attack Christianity but our focus is to help clarify that true Christianity embraces the natural world as well as scripture. In addition, we also encourage Christians to not conflate naturalism, materialism, scientism, or atheism with true science because of the prominent hostility of some scientists.


Science is

Scientific believers in naturalism, materialism, scientism, or atheism.

Christianity is

Christian believers who are anti-science.